In Poem

Poem Dedicated to Indian Army

Defender of borders
I salute to the Indian soldiers.

Words can never describe
What a soldier and his sacrifice.

They put on hold their dreams and lives
They die so that we can survive.

They are the most disciplined persons
On them depend
the security and stability of our nation.

They are the true sons of our country
Who fight to protect us from all the enemies.

They are the real heroes of the nation
Serving the motherland is their only passion.

Whether its the blood freezing cold
or the scorching sun’s rays
They are protecting us without any holidays.

Whether the icy wind or the storms
They face all the challenges like the rocks.

They are pride of our nation
Their life is a source of inspiration.

Away from the mother, kids and wife
They are fulfilling their duty for the sake of our life.

We are grateful to the mothers
Who give birth to these soldiers.

We are obliged to the wives and kids
Who sacrifice their rights for the national deeds.
Poet-Monika Jain ‘Panchhi’

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